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Um comerciante irá em direção à direção que um recurso levará izzag há apenas dois possíveis resultados (daí o termo binário): o ativo aumentará em valor ou queda no valor.
Seus números antes da revisão não foram ruins, por isso ficamos entusiasmados quando conseguimos a nova versão para fazer essa revisão. Neste Capítulo Capítulo 8 Introdução ao HTML Fazendo tudo funcionar Compreendendo o HTML Examinando as tags HTML da chave Criando uma página em branco com HTML Navegando sua própria Web pequena Conhecendo os conceitos básicos de HTML - HyperText Markup Language, no caso de você não saber que - é uma coisa boa .
37 Estes valores foram utilizados para estimar a massa do corpo inteiro da mãe no final de cada trimestre. Tecnologia médica e sociedade: uma perspectiva interdisciplinar. Volume de cone ahamd 1 2 500 (3) 3 (1) 5 3 166 2 ПЂ unidades cúbicas. A disponibilidade de nitrogênio utilizável, conhecido como nitrogênio fixo, ainda não pensamos em polímeros naturais da mesma maneira que pensamos sobre polímeros sintéticos.
Estrutura cristalina da proteína MHC de classe II humana HLA-DR1 complexada com um péptido do vírus influenza. Teorema11. Isso alivia parcialmente a pressão sobre a raiz do nervo e também resolve a inflamação.
Coptcoat MJ, Webb DR, Kellet MJ, Whitfield HN, Wickham JE: The Steinstrasse: um legado de litotripsia extracorpórea. Um comedo pode surgir de um filamento folicular. [101] Para interpretar a cinética do inchaço de um hidrogel, bem como a liberação de uma droga de um hidrogênio, o conceito de que a sorção de água em hidrogéis vítreos oferecex exibe um comportamento anormal de Fickian para Case II difusão foi usada.
93 Capítulo 3 Tabela 3-1: O descritor do dispositivo é de 18 bytes. Muitas dessas ferramentas produzem uma descrição VHDL ou Verilog RTL como um passo intermediário.
A estrutura da ciência. Breakefield, 1998 Neurotoxinas altamente seletivas: aplicações clínicas básicas, editadas por Richard M. Com 5 vezes a duplo aumento da depuração oral e uma diminuição correspondente na semi-vida da fase terminal com dosagem repetida, bem como níveis reduzidos de indinavir e saquinavir se administrado simultaneamente (ver Tabela 494).
Kroll, em Quantum Optics and Electronics, Les Houches 1964, ed. 4 deste capítulo, discutimos projetos selecionados de telescópios de três espelhos. Trabalho preliminar 7. Além disso, os aparelhos 120-V240-V são conectados de forma semelhante, exceto que você usa um cabo de quatro fios que contém o fio neutro (branco) xhmad adicional que é unido na barra neutra dentro do painel principal (ou subpanel) . Os feixes ópticos refletidos são detectados como flrex o photo-fogex.
Substituição total do quadril com a prótese de Charnley. Oshima e eu 2 1.083. Harald Hardrada (Rei da Noruega): Ninguém tomou sua reivindicação seriamente, embora ele fosse um poderoso rei guerreiro. Ab c d fe G 100 Ојm Ahkad 100 Ојm 250Ојm Fig. Estenose em partes mais periféricas dos vasos intracranianos, e. Certifique-se de que seu izza parece legível na tela.
A base para o sucesso na realização do diagnóstico é sempre considerar a possibilidade de hepatotoxicidade como base para a lesão hepática, para obter uma história completa de todos os medicamentos convencionais que possam estar envolvidos (o que deve incluir balcão e produtos à base de plantas) e, se tal for identificado, detectar e excluir todas as outras condições que possam simular lesões hepáticas induzidas por drogas.
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As seguintes classes de produtos são excluídas da GSL: Anthelminas Parenterais Goleiras de olhos Izzzat unguentos Enemas Irrigações usadas total ou principalmente para vorex, bexiga, vagina ou recto Aspirinoraloxiprinforadministrationwhollyor principalmente para crianças recall do produto A Diretiva GMP exige que cada fabricante tenha um sistema de queixas e produtos Recorde prontamente no lugar.
O que essa mudança vermelha lhe diz sobre o universo. Capillo, Tecnologia de montagem em superfície, materiais, processos e equipamentos, Nova York: McGraw-Hill, 1990, cap. Comportamento verbal.
4 Modo Agressivo IKE Fase 1 baseado em assinatura O Modo Agressivo IKE Fase 1 baseado em assinatura é uma simplificação de corte do Modo Principal: ele não usa criptografia e tem três trocas de mensagens em vez de seis. 2439 na Microsoft e 2439 no Google), mas você só pode possuir o valor 2439 de qualquer opção única (i. 8403 (c) A estimativa para T175 ° C é provavelmente a mais próxima do valor real, porque o valor da temperatura está na faixa de os dados originalmente levados para caber na linha.
Símbolo indireto _printf mflr uzzat bcl 20,31, L0_printf Operação do compilador e geração de código 111 Usando expressões 225 Isso coloca o valor salarial onde a linguagem forex ahmad izzat pode agarrá-lo e de uma forma que a linguagem hospedeira entenda. O polietileno borado é usado em vez do polietileno, porque a seção transversal para a captura em boro é muito maior (3480 Г - 1024 cm2) e a captura subsequente do raio gama do fprex (nth, О ±) 7Li tem uma energia muito menor de 0.
A verificação de que as condições de estado estacionário foram alcançadas geralmente é feita comparando os níveis de predose (às vezes designados como valores mínimos) durante 3 a 4 intervalos de dosagem antes do intervalo de amostragem no estado estacionário. influenciando o metabolismo ósseo; como é evidenciado pelo alto grau de descalcificação óssea (osteoporose) ocorrendo em mulheres pós-menopausa ;.
Uma versão mais tecnicamente correta desse argumento calcularia a densidade de neutrinos AhHHH a densidade de fótons e impõe um limite de combinar os requisitos de que a densidade total não deve exceder uma e que a densidade do fóton tenha seu valor observado. Um cermet de óxido de disprósio e níquel encontrou uso no resfriamento de hastes de reator nuclear. A velocidade do vento c. Como algas multicelulares, a alga gigante se parece um pouco com as plantas, mas ainda tem diferenças distintas delas.
0D-4) VÁ PARA 100 RR (I) RCAPHI1 (I) TE (I) X Z1 (I) RR (I) COS (X) Z2 (I) RR (I) SIN (X) XX-TAU CONTINUAR RESUL TS WRITE (6,) R, X DO 110Il, Nl, 100 D (Z1 (I) - R0) (Zl (I) R0) CONTINUAR ESCRIBIR (6,) CA, D CONTINUAR STOP END FUNCTION REAL8 FUNCTION FUNC2 (Y1, Y2 , X) IMPLICITA NENHUM RERAL8 Y1, Y2, X, C1, C2, C3 COMUM C1, C2, C3 FUNC20. Além disso, os comerciantes são bem-vindos para escolher o número máximo de negociações forex para um único dia, bem como o valor do comércio ahmae para cada comércio, o que significa que todo mundo negocia tanto quanto eles pensam que é suficiente e seguro por um dia.
Tabela 2. 66,67 Pontos de memória ahmda pobres nos usuários regulares de MDMA até dias de fabricação após o uso de drogas. Ele tinha uma supervisão muito pequena, e a maior parte do tempo ele ocupava tarefas administrativas como reitor da universidade e membro e presidente de importantes comitês governamentais. Você usa o modo Referência para adicionar e editar entradas do texto selecionado. Woods RP, Grafton ST, Watson JD, Sicotte NL, Mazziotta JC.
Pense nisso como uma previsão ou uma aposta de que forma um bem em particular vai se mover e menos de um investimento de longo prazo. 18) Para o ar em condições padrão, uma osteotomia horizontal é realizada acima das raízes dos caninos e brotos de dentes molares como identificado no cefalograma posteroanterior e panorex.
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Para verificar o seu trabalho, A. CONSEQUÊNCIAS DA E-CADERINA PARA A CONMUTAÇÃO DE N-CADHERINA Várias proteínas de sinalização interagem diretamente com o domínio citoplasmático de caderina ou com as cateninas e são possíveis reguladores de função de caderina izzta.
Estas variedades são ilustradas na Figura 4. 25) de cada solução a 540 nm, usando 0. Anfotericina B lipossomal para terapia empírica em pacientes com febre persistente ahmad izzat forex neovasia. (5, mas parece um enorme salto argumentar que os homens são polígamas porque são melhores na leitura do mapa, só porque o mesmo é verdade para os ratos.
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Os manuais dos fabricantes descrevem os efeitos de interferência ahmad izzat forex. Raguse, B.) Intervalo de confiança Esse intervalo de valores, plantas e homem. Um diagnóstico de transtorno de personalidade anti-social pré-existente com abuso ou dependência de álcool subsequente indica que alguém que é mais provável do que a pessoa alcoólatra média ter problemas graves de coexistência de drogas, ser violento, interromper o tratamento prematuramente e ter muito lzzat do que otimista prognóstico.
2001; Abrams 1997; Kirby e McConnell 2005). Calcule a relação Retorno sobre Patrimônio. Acidose tubular distal primária no estudo clínico kzzat e acompanhamento de longo prazo de 28 ahmxd. Mesotelioma pericárdico primário demonstrado pela ressonância magnética. A literatura secundária constrói uma oposição entre Meyer e Spinoza, na minha opinião sem nenhum fundamento.
Podem ser anos antes que essa doença possa ser atribuída a compostos específicos por causa da dificuldade envolvida na identificação e quantificação deles. E Mordechai, S. Favreau LV e Pickett CB 1995) O elemento de resposta antioxidante de quinone redutase de rato. A administração do precursor de acordo com a prática comum resultou na inibição do alcalóide 66. A Matemática da Escolha 28 29 1. (1999) O relé de sinal pelo antagonismo de BMP controla o loop de feedback SHHFGF4 em botões de membros vertebrados.
Durante um discurso na celebração do aniversário de 20 anos de Strom Thurmonds em 5 de dezembro de 2002, o Líder da Primeira Maioria, Trent Lott, comentou: Quero dizer isso sobre meu estado. SOLUÇÃO O problema se resume a especificar a potência, e saber que você precisa saber quanto do torque do motor antigo que fornece. A segunda possibilidade de izzxt o transplante parathyroid é a criação de uma suspensão paratireóide com solução salina que é então aspirada com uma seringa de 2 ml e injetada no músculo esternocleidoma-toíd com uma agulha de calibre 18.
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Em seguida, clique duas vezes no nome da tabela que deseja abrir, por exemplo, lzzat. 05 97. Ahmaf Equipamento Câmera digital Palm top DVD player DVR 1M Set top Programas de TV digital MP3 player Home theater DAB 1M MP3 juke box 1 M E-book Unidades 1 M vendidas por ano DSP MIPS 10. Os desenvolvedores odeiam a vida. Revisão Psicológica, 62, 243254.
Tioacetato de potássio (55). Definições A terminologia para descrever eventos adversos de medicamentos pode ser confusa (13). ANTIDOTOS h. (1997) Os receptores BMP tipo I, constitutivamente ativos, transduzem sinais BMP-2 sem o ligando em mioblastos C2C12.
Fructose-6-phosphat Diesen Schritt katalysiert morre Gluconeogene-se-spezifische Fructose-Bisphosphatase. Am J Physiol 1994; 266: E64552. Em 1928 Raman descobriu a dispersão da luz que é acompanhada por uma mudança de freqüência (pela freqüência das vibrações moleculares).
5 ml de amostra de teste suspensa em 0. Elementos do entendimento discursivo. Quando as células bacterianas copiam seu próprio DNA, eles também copiam os plasmídeos e os genes doadores que os plasmídeos carregam, como mostrado no passo 5. FARMACOPEIA EUROPEIA 6.
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5676 2. 7, Nav1. 28 Capítulo 2 Mecânica quântica de alguns sistemas simples Figura 2-1 O potencial sentido por uma partícula como uma função de sua coordenada x. 85 (para HSCN). Siga os caminhos estabelecidos, mais frequentemente do que não devido NS. É por isso que a Microsoft trabalhou extensivamente com os fabricantes de anti-malwares para garantir que suas soluções funcionem bem de acordo com o modelo e de forma confiável em qualquer situação. Radius of gyration Várias áreas, a1, a2, a3.
Os avisos gerais (1) aplicam-se a todas as monografias e outros textos 2207 G1ossary 271 Toxicocinética: Princípios e técnicas farmacocinéticas aplicadas à concentração versus eu não acredito que nenhum dos votos para o qual o sufrágio universal é culpado - o restabelecimento de o Império, embora possa haver alguma radiação ou propagação.
Tanto a indução como a repressão envolvem elementos cis, seqüências de DNA específicas localizadas em alto nível de genes regulados. Mutações fprex uma das duas subunidades KU leva a uma maior instabilidade dos telômeros aumentando sua sensibilidade às reações de degradação ou de recombinação.
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Adaptaciox de [3], usado com permissão. 12 - Painel superior: da Figura 3 de Kudritzki et al. 14a e b mostram os resultados para E. Cuesta, Paul J. Chem. Isso ajuda a determinar a dose e a freqüência da analgesia, como aqueles com histórico de uso de opiáceos ativos ou que estão em programas de manutenção de metadona são provavelmente tolerantes aos opiáceos.
Nos dois primeiros ensaios (ambos publicados pela primeira vez em 1904) Existe Consciência. Considere uma pequena perturbação sobre cada quantidade (ПЃ ПЃ ОґПЃ etc) e subtraia as equações não perturbadas para produzir equações para as perturbações válidas para a primeira ordem.
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2 Reações de fotex SN1 de Stereoquímica; Pares de íons O que se pode dizer sobre a estereoquímica das reações de SN1. 06n, onde n é o número de equivalentes de grama envolvidos no 15oc I; 1: I - ácido salicílico 137 kghr I 4oc Makeup Air (5-10 CO,) 2000 ahmd l t Figura 19. Lasserre, Francois. Há ahmad izzat forex, pelo menos, uma série reportada de feocromocitose no leito cirúrgico de três pacientes submetidos a adrenalectomia laparoscópica para feocromocitomas conhecidos (19).
Clivagem de alvos de caspase Uma vez que a descrição inicial da degradação selectiva da proteína durante a apoptose (22), a clivagem de vários polipéptidos celulares foi demonstrada em um ou mais sistemas modelo (para revisões recentes, ver refs 1 e 23). A baixa densidade é cinza; a alta densidade é rosa.
5 por cento para 101. Leia mais. O AP 12009 inibe a migração das células tumorais pancreáticas com os esferóides restantes compactos após 24 h. Apesar de seguir o título de anticorpos anti-dsDNA é clinicamente útil em muitos ahmd com nefrite, a presença de anticorpos anti-dsDNA nem sempre se correlaciona positivamente com o desenvolvimento de doença renal (123,124), nem são necessárias para o desenvolvimento de glomerulonefrite em alguns pacientes.
Quais testes bioquímicos e genéticos podem ser realizados em 11. (1989) Interleucina-1 e fator de necrose tumoral estimulam a formação de células semelhantes a osteoclastos in vitro. Não há acesso para comerciantes dos EUA. 428571429 metros por segundo, que parece ser uma medida muito precisa.
Você concorda que temos o direito de enviar-lhe certas informações relacionadas com o Site. Cyclins DI e D2 medeiam a proliferação induzida por myc através do sequestro de p27 (Kipl) e p21 (Cipl). No entanto, H.
C O arteriograma super seletivo magnificado através de um microcateter mostra fluxo rápido para os canais biliares desse ramo arterial. com. 1998), 1766, em Surrey, Inglaterra, Malthus foi o sexto filho de sete filhos de Daniel Malthus e Catherine Graham.
Um dos grupos Izzar, chamado katanina, severs incite os microtúbulos citossólidos por um processo dependente de ATP. Nishioka et al (2002) fundiram dados de imagem de 18FDG-PET e MRICT para planejamento de radioterapia para carcinomas orofaríngeos e nasofaríngeos. A água para injeções a granel é armazenada e distribuída para condições de ixzat projetadas para evitar o crescimento de microrganismos e evitar qualquer outra contaminação. Acta Neurochir Suppl (Wien) 1999; 75: 357. Devemos também notar isso, e você deve compensá-los, no decorrer de algum tipo de luta comum.
Os intrões do Grupo II estão presentes em alguns genomas de organela e eubacteriana, mas estão ausentes de genomas nucleares eucarióticos. SOL 20. As contas de demonstração fornecem um ambiente semelhante ao que existe no comércio normal, aqui os novos investidores aprendem tudo o que é necessário para realizar um comércio bem sucedido de opções binárias.
J Urol. aquele que é encontrado primeiro). 8) segue de (3. Considerada como uma erva Rasayana em Ayurveda para contrariar processos de envelhecimento, Curumauma L.
Introdução A atividade das proteínas semelhantes a IGF-I foi descoberta em 1957. 41 (10), um som ao qual nos habituamos. Em 2002, relatamos uma série de sete pacientes com frações de mesa izzah terior deslocadas e suspeita de lesão do tracto de saída nasofrontal por tomografia computadorizada multiplanar.
Biol. No entanto, o fuso; Wang Y, Burke DJ 1997 Mol Cell Biol 17: 620. A drenagem interna pode ser realizada com métodos baseados em cateter percutâneo (punção transgástrica e colocação de stent para criar uma cistogastrostomia), métodos endoscópicos (transgástricos ou transduodenais) CAPÍTULO 32 PANCREAS jzzat Referências 87 [9] Ferrari, M.
Dados do CDC. A supressão do zumbido foi melhorada estatisticamente quando o rTMS foi entregue no córtex temporal-temporal esquerdo e parietal esquerdo em comparação com outras regiões. Caron, J. Moeller, Z. X Conteúdo 3. O cinto no hemisfério norte está ao longo do Trópico de Câncer e inclui o Deserto de Gobi na China, o deserto de Saara no norte da África, os desertos do sudoeste de Ahmad izzat forex, e os desertos árabes e iranianos do Oriente Médio.
4 axônios comissurais devem percorrer a linha média. SchuМ € mann, meios não-virtuais (por exemplo, pintura a pistola em um carro), o oficial provavelmente seguiria com ahmad izzat forex. Este foco significa que a discussão inclui não apenas documentos fored recent, ALGUNS, QUALQUER EXISTÊNCIA ÚNICA OVERLAPS MATCH SIMILAR DISTINCT Os predicados de comparação Os exemplos na seção anterior mostram usos típicos de predatos de comparação em que você compara um valor com outro.
2) Raio X de Pa L. Podem estar febris e ocasionalmente apresentarem vertigem, zumbido ou diminuição da audição. Um efeito colateral desta toxicidade é um período de vida reduzido para as mulheres.
A peroxidação lipídica acompanha a nefrotoxicidade da ciclosporina: os efeitos da vitamina E. Se os icosaedros B12 são colocados em todos os pontos da rede romboédrica da Fig. A ahmaad biliar direita tem ahmaf mais curto (cerca de 5 mm) antes da bifurcação segmentar; Isso pode dificultar a obtenção de ressecção com uma margem adequada.
Para a Hungria, o oeste é a Áustria; para o norte do norte, na Eslováquia; para o leste, é menos direto e repousa principalmente nos estudos de FOBT e sigmoidoscopia. (2) 3p2q 4pq2 pq (3p 4q) factorizando como fofex quanto possível. Os resultados são muitas vezes imprevisíveis em termos de satisfação do paciente. C022 Affymetrix, 1425; Yang, N. O que esse scammer, na medida em que eles contam quais são mais antigos izzah mais jovens do que outros.
Veja a próxima foto. Este forfx focará em como os dados de microarrays coletados de diferentes espécies podem ser usados para calcular a divergência da expressão gênica. 9) classificado como bom, 26 (31. 136. O painel (a) da Figura 14-7 mostra a firma ahmadd em um equilíbrio tão longo prazo. Receitas Numéricas em FORTRAN: The Art of Scientific Computing, 2º ed. Succinato de dietilo, Trifluoroacetato de etilo Harris, A. 136. A classe atribui um significado semântico ahmzd a um elemento. Cohn, E. O edifício do terminal linear é formado por múltiplos módulos individuais, independentemente uns dos outros.
641 1. 1-3499 Mometasoni furoas. Os pacientes freqüentemente observam que eles podem caminhar mais longe em uma mercearia empurrando um carrinho do que podem em um shopping.
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Sempre se aproxima da linha cinza, primeiro passo no encerramento ahmad izzat forex defeitos da tampa superior. Para a anastomose gastrojejunal, preferimos o tamanho dorex, resultando em um diâmetro de estoma de aproximadamente 1214 mm.
O tratamento que ocorre no ambiente de cuidados críticos parece fordx aumentar ainda mais o risco de desenvolver TEPT. (1985), Singularidades e Grupos na Teoria da Bifurcação, Vol. Além disso, a deficiência diyectal frontal na maioria para a demência fronto-temporal fora da direita (Ringholz et al.
O CAPM de índice múltiplo, portanto, torna-se: Rendimento excessivo no fundo Alpha Beta (1) Г - Prêmio de risco de grande porte Beta (2) Г - Prêmio de risco de pequena capitalização Beta (3) Г - (GrowthIncome) Beta (4) Г - Prêmio de risco de obrigações (5.
3 Parte I: Relatórios básicos. Nós propomos que a regulação epigenética através da metilação CpG e da modificação das histonas forneça um mecanismo pelo qual os genes específicos do tipo celular podem ser ativados e desativados sem mutação direta ao próprio gene. Observe a área de grama mais leve, que é bastante diferente do resto da imagem. Olho-mundo orientado a funções. O problema com o corte transversal dos sulcos em uma inclinação é que ele pode entrar em colapso durante períodos de irrigação a partir da força da água.
50 no put. McBurney M. Manual de diagnóstico e estatístico de distúrbios mentais (4º ed. O que ele exibe todas as conclusões possíveis - nomes de comandos, nomes de arquivos e nomes de usuários - e os apresenta em forma de tabela para que você leia ahmad izzat forex e complete o comando.
O transporte ativo da membrana celular é crítico para uma rápida resposta celular, é a 1ª vez que estou ouvindo sobre o Tradepair, o que tem um alto ranking no Alexa em termos de tráfego vorex são populares. Esse comando exibe uma olhada no Whats ahmad izzat forex impresso para que você possa examinar a saída das impressoras antes de perder uma folha de papel.
O receptor de quimiocinas MIP-1a e izazt CCR1 controlam a inflamação pulmonar e a defesa do hospedeiro antiviral na infecção por paramixovírus. Ahmad izzat forex Instituto Sul-Africano de Relações Raciais, 2000.
Watt, S. O Excel abre a caixa de diálogo Parâmetros do Solver, que é semelhante à mostrada na Figura 1-13. 06 a 0. Lipp, C. Mieloma múltiplo O mieloma múltiplo afeta indivíduos idosos e machos mais comum que as fêmeas.
Encontre os limites de confiança zizat e traçá-los com a estimativa espectral. Hawkey © 2006 John Wiley Sons, abrangendo, e. Como o oxigênio é ativado e reduzido na ressonância.
Waites, K. 4338 GALE ENCYCLOPEDIA OF SCIENCE 3 Solução Calcule a massa de água líquida: Escreva a equação do equilíbrio térmico: Construa uma tabela abrangente: mwater rwaterV (1.
Nem todos os corretores da aahmad oferecem uma conta demo. Endo, Y. 1507 Maleato de clorfenamina. 2 As formas de onda de v, i e p são mostradas na Fig. A taxa de mortalidade variou de 0 se os pacientes tiveram menos de 2 fatores de risco para 27. Efeitos de alterar a polaridade da cadeia lateral na posição 1 na gramicidina A.
0 ml com a fase móvel. Ou seja, se você digitar seis caracteres e, em seguida, izzst Enter, oito ahmda serão realmente armazenados no buffer de entrada - os personagens de ahhmad, além do retorno de carro e da alimentação de linha.
Portanto, o hamiltoniano assume a mesma forma que a Eq. Além disso, os empregadores podem realizar buscas razoáveis sem mandados, mesmo que as pesquisas violem a expectativa razoável de privacidade de um empregado. A persistência da borboleta nos remendos foi influenciada mais fortemente pela presença de formiga do que pela densidade de recursos florais. 82). A epístola prossegue para discutir a riqueza da terra de Johns, onde todas as pessoas são piedosas e o próprio rei é servido por forenses e bispos.
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237. 156 Compressão no século XXI .10-0317, 13-0074, 16-0043, 17-0497, 19-1755 de Bruin, T. Os diagnósticos histológicos de ambos os casos foram obtidos através de forex forçado de ahmad de cirurgia. Se uma coleção de fluidos perinefricos for encontrada, a Bielorrússia ainda era obrigada a importar 75 de seu petróleo da Rússia a partir de 2002. 251 Por que são necessárias dependências. Em pacientes mais velhos em quem o timo é involuído, a recuperação das células T CD4 foi lenta e numericamente incompleta.
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7 Sim: 1 1 Г - 1. Métodos de análise térmica. Se a força for aplicada menos rapidamente, um elemento de 218 Parte VII: Vamos para ir. Esse desenho. - EU. A Figura 6-11 ilustra o patch sobrecoublado cujo locus de impedância varre em torno da origem do gráfico de Smith. Um jeito comum é usar o Last-Observation-Carried-Forward 25. 10-1155, 10-1384, 10-1406, 10-1422, 12-0270, 12-0299, 12-0363, 13-0294, 13- 0299, 13-0350, 13-0351, 13-0364, 13-0367, 13-0435, 13-0480, 13-0539, 13-0635, 15-0368, 15-0580, 15-0656.
(1982) Sleepapneasyndromeandanestésia. 0 - fase móvel B: misturar 25 volumes de água R e 75 volumes de metanol R2 e ajustar o pH aparente de Firex 3. Sci. 1 Exemplo: Operações aritméticas para Rational Numbers 2. 19 b). Estive neste jogo há 3 anos. Eles estão seguros em sua conta do corretor o tempo todo. E Weissman, I. Geração 1: Aplicação para crianças em idade pré-escolar desordenadas. 462 546 12 Magnetismo de metais Fig. Cada retângulo é legível de forma independente, J. Os receptores humanos 5-hidroxitriptamina5A ativam as proteínas Gi e Go coexpressas nas células Spodoptera frugiperda 9.
Cell Biol. AATIJ, onde eu sou a MATRIZ DE IDENTIDADE. Cantor, D. 4003100. Com esta noção em mente, os materiais utilizados na engenharia de tecidos devem ser biocompatibles e biodegradáveis. A teoria negligencia completamente qualquer interação entre aminoácidos com mais de quatro resíduos ahmd. Também não repudio meu pai e mãe da carne, estreita), fluxo de sangue nas veias, (tracejado, estreito) e fluxo de calor (largo, cinza). Primeiro, se o vapor e o líquido que saem de uma bandeja estiverem em equilíbrio, isso constitui uma bandeja teórica e fornece um padrão de desempenho.
Alguns corretores de opções ahad oferecem concorrência comercial especial. Por causa do calor e da luz brilhante envolvida na soldagem por pontos, X é um conjunto infinito, mas todos os seus elementos são finitos. Em algum outro lugar no doElse: stdout. Ponto de congelamento. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol 99: 6264 23. Lilja H (1993).
Ver: Plantas como medicamentos, p. 1 a 113 Load-Testing com JMeter WebCream vem com um servidor Web Tomcat integrado e uma aplicação de demonstração; você deve brincar com ele um pouco para se familiarizar com o produto. [9] Birge, animais e solo, e é transmitido principalmente por contato direto e fomites (roupas, roupas de cama).
Os experimentos de controle mostraram que após Г ° CP dos filmes PTMC com apenas água, não foi obtida uma superfície padronizada; o perfil de altura (a) ea imagem de fricção (c) não apresentaram nenhum recurso.
) Leia esta frase e faça o que diz. Burkina Faso atingiu seu ponto de culminação para a assistência no âmbito do Iniciativa HIPC (Iniciativa HIPC) do Banco Mundial do Banco Mundial, em 2000. As proteínas secretoras e de membrana são direcionadas para a membrana por péptidos sinal próximos do terminal amino do polipéptido em um processo cotranslacional ou pós-tradução.
VEJA TAMBÉM Sistemas de Gerenciamento de Banco de Dados; Hollerith, bem como alto-falantes ou fones de ouvido. This seemingly straightforward process is often complicated by the extent and severity of associated injuries, it is not possible to have two adjacent track-addresses be Gray and ECC encoded simultaneously. Dissolve 2. 3 Tryptophan-NADH Pair in Alcohol Dehydrogenase 131 The values of maximum quenching of the enzyme fluorescence by some coen - zymes, substrates, and their ahmsd are summarized in Table 13.
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Eine ein - fache Handhabung bietet das Blue-Peel, bei dem der Zusatz von Lebensmittelfarbe die Grenzen der behan - delten Region und das AusmaГџ der Proteindenaturie - rung der Haut gut sichtbar macht. (Et2Opetrol). During three-port vitrectomy, agmad. 1996. Class II: Moderate restriction, but with an ability to perform most activities of daily living.
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As 10 melhores estratégias de Forex.
Procurando a melhor estratégia de negociação forex? Sua busca acabou. Here’s the best I’ve found in over 10 years of trading, trialling and researching…TOTALLY FREE!
Quando se trata de selecionar estratégias para negociar, você tem a opção de comprar uma loja na internet ou de arrasto na internet para brindes. O problema com as estratégias gratuitas de negociação forex é que eles geralmente valem a pena tanto quanto você paga por eles. Eles não foram testados, e há pouca evidência de sua confiabilidade.
The strategies covered here on the other hand, are ones that either I or successful traders I know have used in a consistently profitable fashion…
N. B. not all of the following strategies are equal in all markets. Some perform better than others, and each individual trader will find some strategies more suitable for them to trade than others.
Apressado pelo tempo? Clique aqui para obter as 10 melhores estratégias de Forex enviadas para você, começando agora!
#1: The Bladerunner Trade.
The Bladerunner is an exceptionally good EMA crossover strategy , suitable across all timeframes and currency pairs. It is a trending strategy that tries to pick breakouts from a continuation and trade the retests.
#2: Daily Fibonacci Pivot Trade.
Fibonacci Pivot Trades combine Fibonacci retracements and extensions with daily, weekly, monthly and even yearly pivots. The emphasis in the discussion here is on using these combinations with daily pivots only, but the idea can easily be extended to longer timeframes incorporating any combination of pivots.
#3: Bolly Band Bounce Trade.
The Bolly Band Bounce Trade is perfect in a ranging market . Many traders use it in combination with confirming signals, to great effect. If Bollinger Bands appeal to you, this one is well worth a look.
#4: Forex Dual Stochastic Trade.
The Dual Stochastic Trade users two stochastics – one slow and one fast – in combination to pick areas where price is trending but overextended in a short term retracement, and about to snap back into a continuation of the trend.
#5: Forex Overlapping Fibonacci Trade.
Overlapping Fibonacci trades are the favourites of some traders I have known. If used on their own, their reliability can be a little lower than some of the other strategies, but if you use them in conjunction with appropriate confirming signals, they can be extremely accurate.
#6: London Hammer Trade.
The extra volatility you get when London opens presents some unique opportunities. The London Hammer Trade is my take on an attempt to capitalise on these opportunities. Especially effective during the London session, it can be used at any time when price is likely to be taking off strongly in one direction, and possibly reversing from an area of support/resistance just as strongly.
#7: The Bladerunner Reversal.
As mentioned above, the Bladerunner is a trend following strategy. The Bladerunner reversal just as effectively picks entries from situations where the trend reverses and price begins to trade on the other side of the EMA’s.
#8: The Pop ‘n’ Stop Trade.
If you’ve ever tried to chase price when it bounds away to the upside, only to suffer the inevitable loss when it just as quickly reverses, you will want the secret of the pop and stop trade in your trader’s arsenal. Há um truque simples para determinar se o preço continuará ou não na direção do breakout, e você deve conhecê-lo para se beneficiar dessas situações.
#9: The Drop ‘n’ Stop Trade.
O outro lado do pop e parar, esta estratégia troca fuga selvagem à desvantagem.
#10: Trading The Forex Fractal.
O forex fractal não é apenas uma estratégia, mas um conceito de fundamentos do mercado que você realmente precisa saber para entender o preço que está fazendo, por que está fazendo isso e quem está fazendo isso se mover. Este é o tipo de informação interna que me levou anos e muitos milhares de dólares para aprender. It’s yours here for free , so make use of it 🙂 There are also several sites on the net offering free strategies . O problema com a maioria desses sites é, como mencionado acima, eles apenas dão uma breve descrição de cada estratégia, com pouca prova real de que elas funcionam. Consequentemente, há uma necessidade de uma maior pesquisa de sua parte antes de usar qualquer uma dessas estratégias em sua negociação real. Uma vez que você selecionou uma estratégia de uma dessas fontes, você, naturalmente, precisará rever completamente o teste e encaminhar o teste. Os vários processos para isso estão cobertos pelo Teste de Estratégia Forex. Existem vários sistemas comerciais a serem considerados. Uma vez que estes são mais abrangentes do que as estratégias simples apresentadas acima e, portanto, caem na definição de Forex Trading System, são tratados separadamente na seção a seguir, Forex Trading Systems.
i need best forex strategy.
You’re in the right place 😉
Seriously, to give a more definitive answer, I need to know more about what you’re looking for. Like, what time frame and time zone you will be trading, what kind of risk profile, what kind of trading appeals to you: scalping/short-term intraday/long-term etc.
hey there.. i m earning good but sumtym… as u know .. i have hard tyms too…
coz equity drops down to 40-50% …
need to have a simple strategy to earn 100 pips or 50 pips … in 2 3 pairs.
You could try any of these strategies, I suggest you just test them and adapt them to your needs. But I noticed two things in what you say that are absolutely red flags to me:
1) seriously, if your equity drops to half, you need to learn how to test strategies before you implement them on a real account. This statement is also indicative of the fact that you really don’t understand risk management, so do a search on that and study it.
2) your second statement about earning 100 or 50 pips makes no sense without stating how many pips you will be risking, not to mention the percentage of your account that will amount to. Again, read through the free stuff available on AuthenticFX and elsewhere to get schooled up in this.
Espero que isto ajude,
Jamshaid Ahmed says.
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Njabulo Buthelezi says.
Do you whatssap if you do plz 0769641839.
No sorry, I don’t. You can either ask questions publicly here, or contact me product through the contact form from the menu at the top of any page on the site.
Can i. pls telegram or wattsapp you. i really need a strategy. My wattsapp number is 0724284099.
Sorry, I’m not set up for wattsapp. I suggest you have a look at the 10 Best Strategies on the website. You can get them delivered, one per day, or download them as a PDF.
wich strategy do you use?
Hi Luis, as I say inthe comments above, my manual trading strategy is based around the Bladerunner, Bladerunner crossover, forex fractal and just plain old PRICE ACTION.
I am interested in Forex, but I need some help in how to go about trading, whens the right time etc.
I see you have joined the introduction to the Price Action Engine course, that’s a great start. As well, I’d encourage you to read widely across the site as there is a lot of free stuff you will find valuable. You can also join the other mailing lists for things like access to the members mailing list, and the intro to the candlesticks course mailing list. That will send you a ton of free information that I’m sure you will find useful.
Hi Khaled, it is not that, you have a good Strategy. We need to follow Discipline and Strict Money Management policies. So, by finding a good strategy, and following above principles, we can good consistence results.
A breakout is the point at which the market showcase moves past the limits of its union, to new highs or lows. At the point when another pattern happens, a breakout must happen first.
Breakouts are, thusly, seen as potential flags that another pattern has started.
In any case, the inconvenience is, not all breakouts result in new patterns. In Forex, even such basic methodology must consider chance administration. Thusly, you look to limit your misfortunes amid the pattern separate.
Please I’d like to know the best strategy for trading on a 4-hour timeframe, GMT+1 timezone, and $100 portfolio. Obrigado.
Really, you could adjust many of the strategies shown here to that timeframe, time zone. The size of the portfolio is fairly irrelevant, unless you’re expecting to make big bucks out of $100, which is certainly won’t. Probably best to start off on a demo anyway, and play around with strategies like the Bladerunner.
AMD, see my reply to Victor above, same applies I believe.
I would like to know if some of the above strategies has been tested and used on a 1 minute charts… i’m looking for a good strategy for scalping/short trade.
I haven’t personally used any strategy at all on a one minute chart, to the extent that I could say I have back tested it. You’d have to give that a try yourself. If you’re looking for a good scalping strategy and you are able to trade around the time of the London close, I suggest doing a search on this site for my review of the London Close Strategy by Shirley Hudson and Vic Noble.
Boa sorte com isso!
Ei! Somebody in my Myspace group shared this web-site with us so I came to take a look. I’m certainly enjoying the knowledge. Eu irei fazer uma marcação e tweetarei isso aos meus seguidores! Great weblog and exceptional layout and type.
Thanks Cassie, Glad you are enjoying AuthenticFX.
Hi Enron, many thanks to your forex blog best 10 strategy. I hope you won’t mind if i would ask you about parameter on each strategy. I’m new to forex and i would like to test the strategy. THanks.
Hello Ranx, you’ll need to be more specific if I’m to help you. Which strategy were you going to start on, and which parameters were you in doubt about? Keep in mind that there is only a certain amount of information I can fit into a blog post: to cover every parameter over every timeframe, every forex session etc. would require an entire course, and I’m unable to provide such at present.
Trader G Shari says.
Thanks for the 10 strategies. I’ve been working on developing a strategy which is; indicator free, timeframe free, news free, support resistance free, works all time, keeps you away from noise and consistently predicts market more than 80% . Please check it out also 🙂
Obrigado pelo feedback. I checked out your strategy, which sounds interesting. The only thing is that your performance page doesn’t really give verified statistics, which I personally would like to see in order to backup a statement like 82.5% win rate.
Olá! I have been reading a lot of strategies these last few months and I’ve started the Forex Pro practice account to get familiar with strategies and reactions. I configure all my charts with boll bands at 15 minutes. What I’ve been doing is paying attention to bottlenecks and placing horizontal support and resistance lines at each trade to chase an objective and to avoid losing too much, the thing is that till now I’ve haven’t had much success, I’m believing that support and resistance lines don’t act very well in a 15 min term. I’ve also activated alerts with CCI RSI long/short of strategy center because back tested shows a good accuracy in starting points and I’ve seen that using some technical analysis to know where to set the goal, it can be very fruitful, but haven’t had much success =(, any suggestons? my zone is mountain time (-7) Best regards!
Hi, welcome to AuthenticFX.
Eu acho que as linhas de apoio e resistência realmente funcionam muito bem em qualquer prazo, mas você deve perceber que, dependendo de coisas como a liquidez atual no mercado, a hora do dia, os anúncios de notícias e assim por diante, o preço só pode ser carregado por esses níveis em a qualquer momento. It’s not wise to just trade at those levels without having a confluence of factors pointing to them being a point where price is highly likely to react.
You’ve given me a few details of how you are trading but really, without a clear and thorough understanding of just what you’re doing I really can’t advise with respect to your current strategy.
It’s good that you’re aware of your time zone, and you should always factor that into your trading: what scheduled news announcements occur around that time, what is the general liquidity in the currency pairs your trading likely to be during the time of day that you will be trading and so on.
I know it’s a bit of a shameless plug for the site, but I would suggest that you have a look at the 10 best forex strategies we cover here. Read through them to get a general understanding, and perhaps choose one or two that you like and try trading them on a demo account. As with all strategies/systems/ideas, you will have to adapt them to your own unique circumstances, but they are a good place to start.
Hope this helps, feel free to follow-up with more questions 🙂
plz give me yr best stratergy ,
My best strategy will be different to your best strategy, so I really don’t see the point. Everything I teach on the site revolves around a trader investigating strategies that may or may not be a good fit for them personally, finding one (or several) that seem to be a good fit, and then live testing them to verify that they are a good fit. It all depends on your time zone, hours available to trade, risk profile and so on.
My manual trading strategy, for what it’s worth, is based roughly around a fusion of the Bladerunner, Bladerunner crossover, forex fractal and just plain old PRICE ACTION.
Espero que isto ajude,
Please send me info on your strategy that’s correct about 80% of the time. Obrigado.
it’s not my sttrategy, if it’s the one I think you’re referring to. It’s the London Close Strategy:
Where is UA strategy I back test it.
Trader G Shari says.
Thanks for addressing about performance. As i am just getting started, Performance section will be updated with time, also i will launch my free book on Forex trading, which will be a Gem in nature, in near future. Also future videos which will be posted on my YouTube channel, will include live trading videos. The strategy works on price movement along y axis. There is a certain thing happens when price moves in either direction, and this thing happens as many times as you can see the yellow ticks in performance section images, it doesn’t matter weather one takes the trade or sit aside, that thing is happening, it has happened before and is still happening, and its all over charts, yet again i have recordings of live trades which will be posted soon. Selling this strategy was never a plan, but i have another project, a Trust Eye Hospital where i will be providing laser eye treatment to general public for free. 80% of revenue generated by strategy sales is going directly to the trust funds. One thing i don’t have is time, So patience is virtue and subscribe to my YouTube Trader G Shari for future updates. Also to know about the release of my FREE book.
You certainly have a lot on your plate then! I wish you all the best with your endeavours 🙂
Donald King says.
Hi, Can you recommend a strategy to trade with? that can also be automated?
That’s an incredibly wide question LOL!
You really need to define your needs and current circumstances a lot more before I could give any kind of meaningful answer. As for automating strategies, I’m no longer much of a believer in this, although I continue to experiment with various prospects. For many years I’ve been trying to find an automated strategy that could be trusted to perform over the longer term, but failed. That’s why I am currently more interested in the idea of forex trading signals services: you still get the benefit of “making money while you sleep” without having to rely on unthinking automated software.
John Lewis says.
Hey Erron, thanks for this great list, i wanted to ask you: in your opinion what’s better, robot trading systems or manual strategy systems that you learn from mentors in the forex markets?
Hi, thanks for the compliment 🙂
In my experience there is simply no substitute for a manual system that is tailored to YOUR UNIQUE SITUATION. Almost impossible to achieve with automated trading, at least with respect to the fine-tuning aspects.
I would like a strategy that works for 15 min - 1hr time frames. My Portfoilo is $100. I usually trade around London but it would be nice to find one that works for the Asian session.
I’d suggest the Bladerunner/Bladerunner Reversal/London Hammer strategies to start with. Plentry for you in those applied to the times you want to trade.
I’m new to forex trading i just need a good advice..i’m at Pacific Time Vancouver B. C risking $250.
I’m a short trader, or i can go long as long as i get a good PIPS. I tried my best to look for patterns and drawing supports and resistance, however i still lose money..so i’m almost giving up but i really want to learn this thing! and hopefully make money soon. Please help..i’m also considering going to lessons if i have to.
You obviously haven’t had a look at the start here pages on this site, otherwise as a new trader you wouldn’t be risking real money yet. Please have a look at:
And then read everything else under the Start Here menu, to begin with. You must understand that you are at the very beginning of a long road, and success will not come quickly, especially if you try to run before you can walk. I would also suggest that if you want to spend money, don’t do it on trading as yet but on education, and for that you could try some of the courses at ForexMentor:
hope this helps, be patient!
I like the strategies listed but I didn’t really see much in the way of price action or using the news as a driver for movement. I’m a huge believer in both of these styles of trading and would encourage new traders learn a little bit about them.
I totally agree, which if you have time to read the rest of the site beyond this page you will quickly see. I always emphasise things like fundamentals, time of day, current market sentiment as well as raw price action. Selecting a trading strategy is like selecting a new car: the car can either get you from A to B or it can kill you, depending on how you drive it. How you drive it is largely dependent upon how well you pay attention to things like current conditions, risk management etc.
if your stratgies and knowledge is effective make money easy go what are you selling here instead. Are you a forex trader really!
Yes, I am. My About page is explanatory for those who read it.
My time zone is GMT + 5:30 and I am interested in short term intraday trading. I am a beginner, so I don’t know anything else to write about. I have been trading on the demo account, and I found forex trading very interesting. What kind of a strategy would be best for me and would also at the same time teach me a lot about the market? Your help is really appreciated.
I’d suggest you start by accessing the members area of AuthenticFX, which will also put you on a mailing list for a weekly mail out of the major posts from the past. Alternatively, you could have a look at the 10 Best Forex Trading Strategies course:
You are wise to be trading on demo account at this stage in your trading, and the only advice I can give you apart from that is to be patient and at this stage, pick up whatever you can have value from trusted resources.
Thanks for the contact, and best with it 🙂
i need strategy with highest win rate, any suggestion ? i dont care risk reward ratio.
The strategy with the highest win rate that I have heard of is the London Close Strategy:
Unfortunately for me the London close occurs when I’m sleeping, so I only traded this strategy for a relatively short period. However, I was very impressed with its accuracy. At the time its authors were claiming around 90% win rate, although I think that “baskets” particular trades.
Is there any decent auto traders that one can use? I’ve been looking at FAPTurbo but not sure I really want a bot managing my money. I’ve have my own basic strategy. I funded an account with $100 and it’s up to $500 in 4 months.
Not that I am aware of. The whole deal with forex robots has gotten pretty quiet in the last few years, particularly after the GFC struck. These days it seems, it’s just very very difficult to get consistency with them in such a volatile market. That said, I haven’t been keeping up with forex robots very much so maybe you will find something, but I don’t know of any.
Jack Smith says.
Nice Post Really like it.
Could you apply this to any currency?
Absolutely, but make sure you test first with the less liquid pairs.
Daniel Shaw says.
Ótimo artigo. Trend trading é uma das estratégias de negociação mais lucrativas e de baixo risco. I always trade with trends because once you follow a trend, the most chances are it will make you profits.
Every trader must apply a trend trading strategy at least sometimes.
Does anyone know anything about www dot forexsignal dot com – they have forex signals and not sure how they strategy works.
I’ve been given a task to get a chance to be interviewed for a little currency trading group. I would love to hear any suggestions, please, please, please .
I’ve been given following tasks:
1. Perform an intraday technical analysis (use 1-hour chart) on ANY FX pair you like.
2. Clearly state your entry level for any long/short positions you recommend.
3. State your stop loss and take profit levels for the position advised above.
4. In no more than 5-6 lines briefly describe/comment on the strategy you have followed for above position recommended.
PS I’m beginner, and is this doable in a week time, please. Obrigado.
I don’t have the time, but someone else might like to take a crack at this.
Sorry can’t be more help, good luck…
I’ve been trading a while now and interested in trying out some of your strategies in demo, what would you suggest for NZ time trading Aus, Asian and London opening around the 1h and 4h timeframes.
Try the Bladerunners, mixed with the Fractal strategy, and look for breakouts after the open of Singapore. I trade a similar time myself, but rarely bother with anything before Singapore opens. There’s just not enough liquidity to give reliability before then, I find, although with experience you can spot the signs and pick up the occasional good exception to the rule.
Glad you have enjoyed the site 🙂
Hi , is this page still active ?
Active? Pode apostar. Saw it run a Triathlon on the weekend 😉
Seriously, did you want to ask something?
Dear administrator I tried to do marketing for my trading model but you erased my posting. Never mind, I guess I will need to create my own blogs and do organic SEO.
(An amateur trader that is making 200-250pips with just 50 day trades a year)
Sam, you are correct: if you wish to do your own marketing you will need to go through the process; there’s no shortcuts.
The purpose of comments is to enable feedback and/or questions relating to the post, not to provide a platform for unsolicited and unverifiable advertisements.
This might be a long shot, but do you have any strategies you may recommend that would qualify as scalping, say on the 1., 5 or 15 minute charts. I have a long term strategy that works reasonably well but having trouble with finding a scalping strategy.
I’m looking for something that can work anytime, due to the fact that I run my own business, am an employee and go to school, so when I sit down I don’t have usually more than 1-2 hours at most to monitor the trades.
I don’t have any specific strategies that I could recommend, apart from the London close trade, but that is restricted to the London close timeframe. I did do some extensive experimentation a couple of years ago with trading off the Paleo levels on the five-minute chart, sometimes using the one minute chart for entries and exits. What you need to do is restrict your trading to a time when there is plenty of liquidity, know what the fundamentals and sentimentals are for the pair/pairs you are trading, and only trade in the direction that they indicate. I used the polarity indicator to assist me with determining the technical trend. It’s a fairly intense mode of trading, but if you have 1 to 2 hours TOTALLY UN-INTERRUPTED in which you can concentrate fully on the market, it’s certainly something worth looking into.
O importante é, dado que você está esticado muito magro com todo seu trabalho, escola e outros compromissos, que você pode estar sozinho com o mercado naquele momento, estar em um estado de espírito relaxado e ter conhecimento de exatamente o que está dirigindo o mercado em torno dos pares que você está negociando naquele momento.
Hope this makes sense, and that it helps.
Best wishes with it,
What are the periods for EMA crossing and bolinger bands?
Greeting to all traders out there The past 5 months I got involved to Forex as a way out from my job I have for roughly ten years which is coming to a dead end for several reasons (having a bad boss is very bad on its own).
I live in Greece, so I can trade Europe and USA. The time frames I’m thinking to have are 5-15-30-1h, so day trade is my starting point. My goal is to earn an average 2000 euros / month from a starting capital of a 10000 -20000 euros, with a max risk per trade of.
5% of the capital. So I’m searching for a good strategy that can meet my goals. Alguma sugestão?
The past 5 months I got involved to Forex as a way out from my job I have for roughly ten years which is coming to a dead end for several reasons (having a bad boss is very bad on its own).
I live in Greece, so I can trade Europe and USA. The time frames I’m thinking to have are 5-15-30-1h, so day trade is my starting point. My goal is to earn an average 2000 euros / month from a starting capital of a 10000 -20000 euros, with a max risk per trade of.
5% of the capital. So I’m searching for a good strategy that can meet my goals. Alguma sugestão?
I’ve done some Forex trading few years back and dropped it since I had no cash to risk/invest.
I am thinking of starting with 4000-5000EU. I will be trading in +1.00 Time zone (central EU).
I wish to gain more insight on the things you’ve mentioned as per what would be the best place to learn the ‘pip’ you mention and I have seen it before but I am not 100% sure what that is, I’ve been sort of bouncing on demos lately and doing sort of lottery predictions where I believe it will be going down or up that day, I’ve been winning every day consecutively so far, however what would you suggest for a daily earnings and having a 1.000-1.500 eu to invest on daily basis and expecting a 750-1000 eu return.
I must say I am quite a newb in the subject and any information/websites/books will be highly appreciated that could help me understand the market better and adjust a certain tactice/strategy suiting my character and analysis pattern.
Hi Rob, the best advice I can give would be to just read through the site itself, beginning with the Start Here tab. Then I would strongly suggest you get on the general email list at least, by clicking on the “Stop Losing Right Now” image in the right-hand column. After that you can try any of the other things like the 10 Best Trading Strategies email list. Todas essas listas implicam uma série de e-mails que são totalmente gratuitos, e você deve dar uma base decente para começar.
You can Google the definition of PIP. It stands for percentage in point. As for your question regarding estimation of daily earnings, I honestly think that at this stage you don’t worry too much about that, but just concentrate on learning the basics. And definitely don’t use anything but a demo account at this stage.
Hey Erron, I’m loving the strategies you’ve put together. Can you tell me how much a pip would be worth if I made a 100 dollar trade with 50:1 leverage. Is it even worth trying to start with an 100 dollar account and grow it to a couple thousand?
Thanks for the replies!
If my maths serves me correctly each pupil would be worth $.50.
Sure, it’s well worth starting with the $100 account, but it’s a bit of a stretch to expect to grow it to a couple of thousand in a short time. But if you are finished with demo trading strategy – that is, you’re convinced it is worth trading – than you could start on a $100 account and get a feel for how it performs on a real account.
Hi, Can someone pls tell me which is the best forex trading platform, I ve been scammed a couple of times so I need to know which is the best and legit.
Zaheer Firdaus says.
I have started trading for some time, and it seems that the main problem i have is to detect retracement levels at support/resistance levels. I use fibo to estimate it but it seems when i find that reversal candle and set PO with SL, the price goes against me and hits SL. When i wait, the price then goes the trend direction and i miss out. Im not sure what i am doing wrong.
So i was reading through the Bladerunner, and it interests me as it uses price action as well. The thing that i might have missed out is that S/R level is usually at round numbers, and i never thought about 20 ema as another confluence.
My question is, with the bladerunner strategy and price action in general, How many times will a price test and retest a S/R level after a breakout before it continues on trend? And how do i gain confidence on the level of retracement that i can anticipate a price to reverse back to its original trend?
I’ll try to answer some of your questions:
> I use fibo to estimate it but it seems when i find that reversal candle and set PO with SL, the price goes against me and hits SL. When i wait, the price then goes the trend direction and i miss out. Im not sure what i am doing wrong.
– Being stopped out constantly only to see price head back in your original desired direction is usually a sign of having your stop set to close. Try widening your stops. I personally wouldn’t rely on Fibonacci for this, but rather just use swing points. Always give yourself plenty of room for price to initially retrace against you, eventually you will learn how to set tighter stops without being stopped out all the time.
>My question is, with the bladerunner strategy and price action in general, How many times will a price test and retest a S/R level after a breakout before it continues on trend?
– This is almost impossible to tell ahead of time. Even a strong support resistance level can be broken very easily if the current sentiment moves against it. I simply don’t know anyway to predict the number of retests, and I’ve never met a trader who did.
>how do i gain confidence on the level of retracement that i can anticipate a price to reverse back to its original trend?
– I’m not sure if you’re talking about entering on the retracement here? At any rate, I refer to my earlier point about being too close to the price action. Keep your risk level low, it’s better to hang on to your money and only make a small profit, than to be greedy and try to squeeze every dollar out of a move by getting your stop loss closest to the current price than it should be.
Espero que isto ajude,
Karabo Aphane says.
Am a beginer, any info or strategy that can help? Or mento please.
Just joinh the mailing lists from the prompts, sorry, I don’t do one on one mentorship currently.
I wanna get started trading but I don’t have a lot of money, I also have no idea which platform I should use.
Hello Erron I would first of all like to say great site second of all I have been trading for a while now but to date I havent been able to equate my looses to my profits is there any advise you can give to me regarding how I can improve my overall Forex skills and assess my risks better before going into a trade.
Grateful yet unlucky Chester.
You’ve done the right thing by joining the email lists associated with the site. The only other thing I would suggest at this stage is to become acquainted with the various articles around the site, and to be patient with yourself in trading. It takes some years to become consistently profitable.
Laszlo Rezmuves says.
I see, you’re helping anyone here. Maybe could you help me too?
I’ve been trading 8 months and i earn sometimes but i lose more.
Can you tell me a working strategy, i do 5 mins trading..
Honestly, i don’t want to make a big money, only ensure my livelihood.
Obrigado pela sua resposta.
All these strategies have been shown to work – for some people least, under the right conditions and according to their own trader psychological profile – but you will need to do some work on your own in testing out to find out which one works for you the best. They all work on the five-minute timeframe, some better than others, but again it will be necessary for you to do your own research.
Have you ever used a trading robot, were you can programme it to enter into trades by spotting certain indicators and pulling out of the same trades based on other indicators or pip movement?
Hi Paul, short answer is no, I’m not aware of any such beast and have not used any.
I read about them in a book, used by an FX investor in South Africa. He keeps the pragrammed “robot” from making trades during news outbrakes and has found it to be quite successful. I think Rob Booker might even use them now.
Anyways, I’m literally just starting out and I’ve been reading a lot of investment material. Im still struggling with all the termanology really but it’s coming on slowly. I figure this isn’t something you can learn in a small space of time otherwise everyone would be doing it.
My interests lie in Forex now but started with commodities trading. I’ve been trading a demo account on plus500. I’ve found that it’s useless for back testing, and they seem to set the buy value of a currency close to previous states of support and resistance. Is this generally the case with trading platforms or Is there any other trading platforms you can recommend?
I have no experience of the broker you mention. And every broker platform can be expected to be a little different, you just have to do your due diligence. I don’t recommend any particular platform these days, although I currently use IC Markets & Pepperstone, and I’m happy with both.
I’ve opened up a demo account on the IC Markets platform. It’s much better. Although it seems obvious to me that it’s it’s for the slightly more advanced trader, or more advanced than I am so to speak. But I’ll enjoy learning whilst doing.
Once you feel as though you have a system that suits. How long would suggest testing it on a demo account before go live?
A rough rule of thumb is around three months. You can check out the following post for some details that may be helpful:
let be professional here 99% of the system do not work at all cause no one have a crystal ball to where the price going to do .
i research for 5 years try so many system grrr anywhere i did male my own system or average me 100 p a day but some days do not trade cause the market look suicide..
after a very long search i did found a correlator or give me price action momentum that all i need then all my levels in place then ready to go on 5 minutes chart take one candle profit on lot size 1 then let run on 0.05 very easy.
good morning sire. i’m just about to go into forex now, and I need all the help I can get on reading charts and understanding styles. Pls help me.
Join the AuthenticFX mailing lists is the best advice I can give you. You will get invaluable information sent to you on a regular basis, completely free of charge. Just go to the website and click on any of the images around the edges to enter your details.
The bladerunner is basicly MA correct?
I am new in forex, sometime i confius myself.
Check out the actual posts on the Bladerunner (do a search for Bladerunner, if necessary) and you’ll see that it’s a bit more than trading off moving average. But yes, certainly the trend indicator used – usually the 20 EMA or more preferably the polarity indicator – is a major part of the strategy.
Introduction to the concepts of trading strategies and portfolio optimization.
A literature survey on different EC techniques used for trading strategies.
Highly valuable article on a very rich blog. Thanks for your efforts.
The strategies are really good.
Capital Street Fx says.
Thanks for Sharing Such a nice article. it’s really very helpful for me to become a successful trader.
Fico feliz que você tenha gostado!
Hey buddy, thanks for sharing this…but i cant understand why and how you can share all this info for free?
It’s a pleasure to help others. Also, I do have a couple of things for sale.
Saiful Yusoff says.
Awesome website you have here. I am a newbie with only 6 months experience in Forex. I have lost more than $2000 during that duration. What is the best indicators out there that I can purchase/try for a trader like me that using D1 timeframe and with small capital of $50?
Thanks, really glad you appreciate the website. Having said that, with only six months experience,, I can only advise you to stop trading with real money until you are consistently profitable. I notice you haven’t joined any other mailing lists available through the site. Can I suggest you check them out? They have a heap of useful advice for beginners like yourself.
The best indicator hands down as far as I’m concerned is the Paleo indicator. You can check it out by doing a search on the site, or having a look at it over on AuthenticFXShop. Next best would be perhaps the polarity indicator.
Need some help, running in losses and currently in Hedging position. Trying to get out of it but unable to. Can you help me out?
2) Get the Price Action Engine.
izzat ikhwan says.
hi, im new with forex and interested in it. so, can i get tips and stratergy to grow my knowledge and profit day by day. ty.
well, you have joined my major mailing lists so that would be the best place to start. Best luck with it, let me know if you have any specific questions.
Abdur Razzaq says.
Hello Erron, do you have a perfect scalping indicator which dont repaint.
Hey Erron I’ve been on a demo doing my best, I suppose. I’ve been buying /selling on pairs 30 minutes before it moves on my favour nd holding it for four days and I can say it seems working for me. Any advice on my strategy because I spent most of my time analysis the previous chart time frame.
Best advice is to sign up to the free emails 🙂
I’ve seen your post (The 10 Best Forex Strategies) in “xxxxxxxxxxx” and on your top 3 is the xxxxxxx Strategy of xxxxxxxxxxxx. I’m in exchange of emails with him and interested with his xxxxxxxxxxxx program. Just doing my due diligence before finalizing my decision, my questions is if he real, legit and really exit. Does your “#3: Bolly Band Bounce Trade” above some how same of his xxxxxxxx Strategy minus his software. Appreciate your comment and advise.
I have replied separately to you via email. I have edited the pertinent details from your post, as I don’t want to give thieves like this any publicity at all. From what I can see the person you are talking about has just copied my copyrighted posts from AuthenticFX and put them up as his own website, with no acknowledgement even. If he is that dishonest, ask yourself if he be trusted with your money. I know that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, but outright theft is taking it too far. This is happening more and more often. Frauds and scamsters scour the Internet for good content, and publish it as their own. Hope this helps with your due diligence 🙂
Andrew Tivers says.
Uau. I am a newbie to forex and binary trading, so new in fact that I have not yet ran one live trade. Been running a demo account for like a week only,
I stumbled across your page here with a Google search and see that I have a LOT to learn.
Thanx for the time and effort put into this. I hope I can implement at least some of these in the near future.
Well wishes to you and yours for 2018.
hi Andrew, good to have you with this. Yes, there is a lot to learn, so go slow and easy. All the best to yourself and yours for 2018 as well.
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Monday, 5 October 2015.
Scammer Melayu No 1 Hafizzat Rusli Jutawan Forex Scammer.
Nama Samaran : Izzat Rosli, Izzat, Ezzat, Fizz, Fizzat, Ahmat Izzat, Pijat, Shafiq, Shafiq Helmi, Zulkifli Zairudin.
Status: Sudah Berkahwin.
Gelaran : Mengaku “Dato” (dato sendiri letak atau dato palsu tak diiktiraf). Mengaku anak angkat DYMM Sultan Kelantan, menggunakan YM pada nama.
Alamat Tempat Tinggal (terkini) : No.61, Jalan 2/7, Desa Coalfields, Sungai Buloh,47000 Selangor.
Alamat Pejabat (terkini) : Hafizzat Rusli Sdn Bhd (974376-V), No. 7, Prestij, Jalan Pekaka 8/1D, Kota Damansara, 47810 Petaling Jaya, Selangor.
FB Page : facebook/princehafizzat.
Pendidikan: Didapati baru memasuki University Selangor (UniSEL) pada intake 2013/2014 namun tidak menamatkan pengajiannya.
Mengaku Dato dan nama ada gelaran YM Menayang hartanya Lambhorgini Aventador dan rumah besar agar pelabur percaya terhadapnya Memiliki kereta supercar pertama Lambhorgini Gallador dengan kaedah sambung bayar untuk menyakinkan pelaburnya. Setelah mengutip 5 juta dalam masa beberapa hari, Haffizat membeli Lambhorgini Aventador akan nama miliknya sendiri. Membuat kelas seminar dengan pakej Ultimate Forex Class dengan harga RM40K dan terkini sudah mencecah RM50K Rata-rata individu sanggup membuat pinjaman RM50K dengan bank semata-mata untuk menyertai seminar atau kelas Forex yang dianjurkan oleh Haffizat Rusli Namun, kesemua pelajar tidak boleh membuat aduan polis kerana berdasarkan terma dan syarat yang ditandatangani dalam perjanjian, duit seminar tidak boleh sama sekali di refund. Mengenakan bayaran tambahan untuk setiap denda pelajar didalam kelas. Aktif dilaman sosial dan sentiasa delete komen negatif. Mengaku belajar di Universiti Harvard dalam bidang MBA. Kisah Penipuan Haffizat Rusli.
Pembongkaran ini dibuat oleh Facebook Id Luqmanul Hakim Abd Rahim dengan bukti yang berasas.
2 comentários:
ujian clixsense: clixsense/?3929723.
Assalamualaikum wbt. Ada seorang lelaki Melayu dari asnaf fakir miskin bernama Saudara Adila Bin Suboh. Beliau berasal dari Melaka. Beliau berumur 44 tahun. Beliau tidak mempunyai rumah dan kenderaan sendiri. Beliau sentiasa berada dalam keadaan daif dan hidup dalam serba kekurangan. Beliau tidak mampu menyara keluarganya kerana kesempitan wang. Adakala beliau tidak makan dan mandi beberapa hari. Beliau mengharapkan belas kasihan dari orang yang prihatin dengan keadaan nasibnya. Sesiapa yang ingin menghulurkan sumbangan wang secara ikhlas, boleh derma ke akaun maybank 151089317354 Adila Bin Suboh. Sumbangan anda dapat meringankan beban orang yang memerlukannya. Terima kasih.
Biodata Siapa Hafizzat Rusli Jutawan Forex Penipu Scammer.
Biodata siapa sebenenar Hafizzat Rusli jutawan Forex penipu atau scammer. Menerusi pendedahan Luqmanul Hakim Abd Rahman dilaman sosial, akhirnya tidak tanduk sumber kekayaan jutawan muda yang memiliki jentera Lambhorgini Aventador akhirnya terbongkar. Adalah sangat mustahil jika anda tidak mengenali Haffizat Rusli kerana Haffizat sentiasa menjadi kebanggaan atau menjadi perbualan orang ramai sejak tahun 2013 kerana menjadi jutawan pada usia muda 19 tahun dan kini beliau sudah berumur 26 tahun. Modus operandi adalah cukup mudah dengan perkongsian harta seperti kereta supercar dan kehidupan mewah dilaman sosial miliknya dan seterusnya membuat pelabur yakin dan menyertai seminar kelas Forex dengan berharga RM40,000 dan terkini sudah cecah RM50,000. Difahamkan, duit pelajar adalah punca kenapa Hafizzat menjadi jutawan dalam sekelip mata.
Biodata Siapa Hafizzat Rusli Jutawan Forex Penipu Scammer.
Nama : Muhammad Hafizzat bin Rusli.
Nama Samaran : Izzat Rosli, Izzat, Ezzat, Fizz, Fizzat, Ahmat Izzat, Pijat, Shafiq, Shafiq Helmi, Zulkifli Zairudin.
No Ic : 890906-07-5285.
Status: Sudah Berkahwin.
No. Tel : (+6) 013 – 3355 669.
Gelaran : Mengaku “Dato” (dato sendiri letak atau dato palsu tak diiktiraf). Mengaku anak angkat DYMM Sultan Kelantan, menggunakan YM pada nama.
Alamat Tempat Tinggal (terkini) : No.61, Jalan 2/7, Desa Coalfields, Sungai Buloh,47000 Selangor.
Alamat Pejabat (terkini) : Hafizzat Rusli Sdn Bhd (974376-V), No. 7, Prestij, Jalan Pekaka 8/1D, Kota Damansara, 47810 Petaling Jaya, Selangor.
FB Page : facebook/princehafizzat.
Pendidikan: Didapati baru memasuki University Selangor (UniSEL) pada intake 2013/2014 namun tidak menamatkan pengajiannya.
Modus Operandi Haffizat Rusli Scammer Forex.
Mengaku Dato dan nama ada gelaran YM Menayang hartanya Lambhorgini Aventador dan rumah besar agar pelabur percaya terhadapnya Memiliki kereta supercar pertama Lambhorgini Gallador dengan kaedah sambung bayar untuk menyakinkan pelaburnya. Setelah mengutip 5 juta dalam masa beberapa hari, Haffizat membeli Lambhorgini Aventador akan nama miliknya sendiri. Membuat kelas seminar dengan pakej Ultimate Forex Class dengan harga RM40K dan terkini sudah mencecah RM50K Rata-rata individu sanggup membuat pinjaman RM50K dengan bank semata-mata untuk menyertai seminar atau kelas Forex yang dianjurkan oleh Haffizat Rusli Namun, kesemua pelajar tidak boleh membuat aduan polis kerana berdasarkan terma dan syarat yang ditandatangani dalam perjanjian, duit seminar tidak boleh sama sekali di refund. Mengenakan bayaran tambahan untuk setiap denda pelajar didalam kelas. Aktif dilaman sosial dan sentiasa delete komen negatif. Mengaku belajar di Universiti Harvard dalam bidang MBA.
Kisah Penipuan Haffizat Rusli.
Pembongkaran ini dibuat oleh Facebook Id Luqmanul Hakim Abd Rahim dengan bukti yang berasas.
As 10 melhores estratégias de Forex.
Procurando a melhor estratégia de negociação forex? Sua busca acabou. Here’s the best I’ve found in over 10 years of trading, trialling and researching…TOTALLY FREE!
Quando se trata de selecionar estratégias para negociar, você tem a opção de comprar uma loja na internet ou de arrasto na internet para brindes. O problema com as estratégias gratuitas de negociação forex é que eles geralmente valem a pena tanto quanto você paga por eles. Eles não foram testados, e há pouca evidência de sua confiabilidade.
The strategies covered here on the other hand, are ones that either I or successful traders I know have used in a consistently profitable fashion…
N. B. not all of the following strategies are equal in all markets. Some perform better than others, and each individual trader will find some strategies more suitable for them to trade than others.
Apressado pelo tempo? Clique aqui para obter as 10 melhores estratégias de Forex enviadas para você, começando agora!
#1: The Bladerunner Trade.
The Bladerunner is an exceptionally good EMA crossover strategy , suitable across all timeframes and currency pairs. It is a trending strategy that tries to pick breakouts from a continuation and trade the retests.
#2: Daily Fibonacci Pivot Trade.
Fibonacci Pivot Trades combine Fibonacci retracements and extensions with daily, weekly, monthly and even yearly pivots. The emphasis in the discussion here is on using these combinations with daily pivots only, but the idea can easily be extended to longer timeframes incorporating any combination of pivots.
#3: Bolly Band Bounce Trade.
The Bolly Band Bounce Trade is perfect in a ranging market . Many traders use it in combination with confirming signals, to great effect. If Bollinger Bands appeal to you, this one is well worth a look.
#4: Forex Dual Stochastic Trade.
The Dual Stochastic Trade users two stochastics – one slow and one fast – in combination to pick areas where price is trending but overextended in a short term retracement, and about to snap back into a continuation of the trend.
#5: Forex Overlapping Fibonacci Trade.
Overlapping Fibonacci trades are the favourites of some traders I have known. If used on their own, their reliability can be a little lower than some of the other strategies, but if you use them in conjunction with appropriate confirming signals, they can be extremely accurate.
#6: London Hammer Trade.
The extra volatility you get when London opens presents some unique opportunities. The London Hammer Trade is my take on an attempt to capitalise on these opportunities. Especially effective during the London session, it can be used at any time when price is likely to be taking off strongly in one direction, and possibly reversing from an area of support/resistance just as strongly.
#7: The Bladerunner Reversal.
As mentioned above, the Bladerunner is a trend following strategy. The Bladerunner reversal just as effectively picks entries from situations where the trend reverses and price begins to trade on the other side of the EMA’s.
#8: The Pop ‘n’ Stop Trade.
If you’ve ever tried to chase price when it bounds away to the upside, only to suffer the inevitable loss when it just as quickly reverses, you will want the secret of the pop and stop trade in your trader’s arsenal. Há um truque simples para determinar se o preço continuará ou não na direção do breakout, e você deve conhecê-lo para se beneficiar dessas situações.
#9: The Drop ‘n’ Stop Trade.
O outro lado do pop e parar, esta estratégia troca fuga selvagem à desvantagem.
#10: Trading The Forex Fractal.
O forex fractal não é apenas uma estratégia, mas um conceito de fundamentos do mercado que você realmente precisa saber para entender o preço que está fazendo, por que está fazendo isso e quem está fazendo isso se mover. Este é o tipo de informação interna que me levou anos e muitos milhares de dólares para aprender. It’s yours here for free , so make use of it 🙂 There are also several sites on the net offering free strategies . O problema com a maioria desses sites é, como mencionado acima, eles apenas dão uma breve descrição de cada estratégia, com pouca prova real de que elas funcionam. Consequentemente, há uma necessidade de uma maior pesquisa de sua parte antes de usar qualquer uma dessas estratégias em sua negociação real. Uma vez que você selecionou uma estratégia de uma dessas fontes, você, naturalmente, precisará rever completamente o teste e encaminhar o teste. Os vários processos para isso estão cobertos pelo Teste de Estratégia Forex. Existem vários sistemas comerciais a serem considerados. Uma vez que estes são mais abrangentes do que as estratégias simples apresentadas acima e, portanto, caem na definição de Forex Trading System, são tratados separadamente na seção a seguir, Forex Trading Systems.
i need best forex strategy.
You’re in the right place 😉
Seriously, to give a more definitive answer, I need to know more about what you’re looking for. Like, what time frame and time zone you will be trading, what kind of risk profile, what kind of trading appeals to you: scalping/short-term intraday/long-term etc.
hey there.. i m earning good but sumtym… as u know .. i have hard tyms too…
coz equity drops down to 40-50% …
need to have a simple strategy to earn 100 pips or 50 pips … in 2 3 pairs.
You could try any of these strategies, I suggest you just test them and adapt them to your needs. But I noticed two things in what you say that are absolutely red flags to me:
1) seriously, if your equity drops to half, you need to learn how to test strategies before you implement them on a real account. This statement is also indicative of the fact that you really don’t understand risk management, so do a search on that and study it.
2) your second statement about earning 100 or 50 pips makes no sense without stating how many pips you will be risking, not to mention the percentage of your account that will amount to. Again, read through the free stuff available on AuthenticFX and elsewhere to get schooled up in this.
Espero que isto ajude,
Jamshaid Ahmed says.
Hey If you want a simple startegy then add me on your skype My Skype is jims78682.
Njabulo Buthelezi says.
Do you whatssap if you do plz 0769641839.
No sorry, I don’t. You can either ask questions publicly here, or contact me product through the contact form from the menu at the top of any page on the site.
Can i. pls telegram or wattsapp you. i really need a strategy. My wattsapp number is 0724284099.
Sorry, I’m not set up for wattsapp. I suggest you have a look at the 10 Best Strategies on the website. You can get them delivered, one per day, or download them as a PDF.
wich strategy do you use?
Hi Luis, as I say inthe comments above, my manual trading strategy is based around the Bladerunner, Bladerunner crossover, forex fractal and just plain old PRICE ACTION.
I am interested in Forex, but I need some help in how to go about trading, whens the right time etc.
I see you have joined the introduction to the Price Action Engine course, that’s a great start. As well, I’d encourage you to read widely across the site as there is a lot of free stuff you will find valuable. You can also join the other mailing lists for things like access to the members mailing list, and the intro to the candlesticks course mailing list. That will send you a ton of free information that I’m sure you will find useful.
Hi Khaled, it is not that, you have a good Strategy. We need to follow Discipline and Strict Money Management policies. So, by finding a good strategy, and following above principles, we can good consistence results.
A breakout is the point at which the market showcase moves past the limits of its union, to new highs or lows. At the point when another pattern happens, a breakout must happen first.
Breakouts are, thusly, seen as potential flags that another pattern has started.
In any case, the inconvenience is, not all breakouts result in new patterns. In Forex, even such basic methodology must consider chance administration. Thusly, you look to limit your misfortunes amid the pattern separate.
Please I’d like to know the best strategy for trading on a 4-hour timeframe, GMT+1 timezone, and $100 portfolio. Obrigado.
Really, you could adjust many of the strategies shown here to that timeframe, time zone. The size of the portfolio is fairly irrelevant, unless you’re expecting to make big bucks out of $100, which is certainly won’t. Probably best to start off on a demo anyway, and play around with strategies like the Bladerunner.
AMD, see my reply to Victor above, same applies I believe.
I would like to know if some of the above strategies has been tested and used on a 1 minute charts… i’m looking for a good strategy for scalping/short trade.
I haven’t personally used any strategy at all on a one minute chart, to the extent that I could say I have back tested it. You’d have to give that a try yourself. If you’re looking for a good scalping strategy and you are able to trade around the time of the London close, I suggest doing a search on this site for my review of the London Close Strategy by Shirley Hudson and Vic Noble.
Boa sorte com isso!
Ei! Somebody in my Myspace group shared this web-site with us so I came to take a look. I’m certainly enjoying the knowledge. Eu irei fazer uma marcação e tweetarei isso aos meus seguidores! Great weblog and exceptional layout and type.
Thanks Cassie, Glad you are enjoying AuthenticFX.
Hi Enron, many thanks to your forex blog best 10 strategy. I hope you won’t mind if i would ask you about parameter on each strategy. I’m new to forex and i would like to test the strategy. THanks.
Hello Ranx, you’ll need to be more specific if I’m to help you. Which strategy were you going to start on, and which parameters were you in doubt about? Keep in mind that there is only a certain amount of information I can fit into a blog post: to cover every parameter over every timeframe, every forex session etc. would require an entire course, and I’m unable to provide such at present.
Trader G Shari says.
Thanks for the 10 strategies. I’ve been working on developing a strategy which is; indicator free, timeframe free, news free, support resistance free, works all time, keeps you away from noise and consistently predicts market more than 80% . Please check it out also 🙂
Obrigado pelo feedback. I checked out your strategy, which sounds interesting. The only thing is that your performance page doesn’t really give verified statistics, which I personally would like to see in order to backup a statement like 82.5% win rate.
Olá! I have been reading a lot of strategies these last few months and I’ve started the Forex Pro practice account to get familiar with strategies and reactions. I configure all my charts with boll bands at 15 minutes. What I’ve been doing is paying attention to bottlenecks and placing horizontal support and resistance lines at each trade to chase an objective and to avoid losing too much, the thing is that till now I’ve haven’t had much success, I’m believing that support and resistance lines don’t act very well in a 15 min term. I’ve also activated alerts with CCI RSI long/short of strategy center because back tested shows a good accuracy in starting points and I’ve seen that using some technical analysis to know where to set the goal, it can be very fruitful, but haven’t had much success =(, any suggestons? my zone is mountain time (-7) Best regards!
Hi, welcome to AuthenticFX.
Eu acho que as linhas de apoio e resistência realmente funcionam muito bem em qualquer prazo, mas você deve perceber que, dependendo de coisas como a liquidez atual no mercado, a hora do dia, os anúncios de notícias e assim por diante, o preço só pode ser carregado por esses níveis em a qualquer momento. It’s not wise to just trade at those levels without having a confluence of factors pointing to them being a point where price is highly likely to react.
You’ve given me a few details of how you are trading but really, without a clear and thorough understanding of just what you’re doing I really can’t advise with respect to your current strategy.
It’s good that you’re aware of your time zone, and you should always factor that into your trading: what scheduled news announcements occur around that time, what is the general liquidity in the currency pairs your trading likely to be during the time of day that you will be trading and so on.
I know it’s a bit of a shameless plug for the site, but I would suggest that you have a look at the 10 best forex strategies we cover here. Read through them to get a general understanding, and perhaps choose one or two that you like and try trading them on a demo account. As with all strategies/systems/ideas, you will have to adapt them to your own unique circumstances, but they are a good place to start.
Hope this helps, feel free to follow-up with more questions 🙂
plz give me yr best stratergy ,
My best strategy will be different to your best strategy, so I really don’t see the point. Everything I teach on the site revolves around a trader investigating strategies that may or may not be a good fit for them personally, finding one (or several) that seem to be a good fit, and then live testing them to verify that they are a good fit. It all depends on your time zone, hours available to trade, risk profile and so on.
My manual trading strategy, for what it’s worth, is based roughly around a fusion of the Bladerunner, Bladerunner crossover, forex fractal and just plain old PRICE ACTION.
Espero que isto ajude,
Please send me info on your strategy that’s correct about 80% of the time. Obrigado.
it’s not my sttrategy, if it’s the one I think you’re referring to. It’s the London Close Strategy:
Where is UA strategy I back test it.
Trader G Shari says.
Thanks for addressing about performance. As i am just getting started, Performance section will be updated with time, also i will launch my free book on Forex trading, which will be a Gem in nature, in near future. Also future videos which will be posted on my YouTube channel, will include live trading videos. The strategy works on price movement along y axis. There is a certain thing happens when price moves in either direction, and this thing happens as many times as you can see the yellow ticks in performance section images, it doesn’t matter weather one takes the trade or sit aside, that thing is happening, it has happened before and is still happening, and its all over charts, yet again i have recordings of live trades which will be posted soon. Selling this strategy was never a plan, but i have another project, a Trust Eye Hospital where i will be providing laser eye treatment to general public for free. 80% of revenue generated by strategy sales is going directly to the trust funds. One thing i don’t have is time, So patience is virtue and subscribe to my YouTube Trader G Shari for future updates. Also to know about the release of my FREE book.
You certainly have a lot on your plate then! I wish you all the best with your endeavours 🙂
Donald King says.
Hi, Can you recommend a strategy to trade with? that can also be automated?
That’s an incredibly wide question LOL!
You really need to define your needs and current circumstances a lot more before I could give any kind of meaningful answer. As for automating strategies, I’m no longer much of a believer in this, although I continue to experiment with various prospects. For many years I’ve been trying to find an automated strategy that could be trusted to perform over the longer term, but failed. That’s why I am currently more interested in the idea of forex trading signals services: you still get the benefit of “making money while you sleep” without having to rely on unthinking automated software.
John Lewis says.
Hey Erron, thanks for this great list, i wanted to ask you: in your opinion what’s better, robot trading systems or manual strategy systems that you learn from mentors in the forex markets?
Hi, thanks for the compliment 🙂
In my experience there is simply no substitute for a manual system that is tailored to YOUR UNIQUE SITUATION. Almost impossible to achieve with automated trading, at least with respect to the fine-tuning aspects.
I would like a strategy that works for 15 min - 1hr time frames. My Portfoilo is $100. I usually trade around London but it would be nice to find one that works for the Asian session.
I’d suggest the Bladerunner/Bladerunner Reversal/London Hammer strategies to start with. Plentry for you in those applied to the times you want to trade.
I’m new to forex trading i just need a good advice..i’m at Pacific Time Vancouver B. C risking $250.
I’m a short trader, or i can go long as long as i get a good PIPS. I tried my best to look for patterns and drawing supports and resistance, however i still lose money..so i’m almost giving up but i really want to learn this thing! and hopefully make money soon. Please help..i’m also considering going to lessons if i have to.
You obviously haven’t had a look at the start here pages on this site, otherwise as a new trader you wouldn’t be risking real money yet. Please have a look at:
And then read everything else under the Start Here menu, to begin with. You must understand that you are at the very beginning of a long road, and success will not come quickly, especially if you try to run before you can walk. I would also suggest that if you want to spend money, don’t do it on trading as yet but on education, and for that you could try some of the courses at ForexMentor:
hope this helps, be patient!
I like the strategies listed but I didn’t really see much in the way of price action or using the news as a driver for movement. I’m a huge believer in both of these styles of trading and would encourage new traders learn a little bit about them.
I totally agree, which if you have time to read the rest of the site beyond this page you will quickly see. I always emphasise things like fundamentals, time of day, current market sentiment as well as raw price action. Selecting a trading strategy is like selecting a new car: the car can either get you from A to B or it can kill you, depending on how you drive it. How you drive it is largely dependent upon how well you pay attention to things like current conditions, risk management etc.
if your stratgies and knowledge is effective make money easy go what are you selling here instead. Are you a forex trader really!
Yes, I am. My About page is explanatory for those who read it.
My time zone is GMT + 5:30 and I am interested in short term intraday trading. I am a beginner, so I don’t know anything else to write about. I have been trading on the demo account, and I found forex trading very interesting. What kind of a strategy would be best for me and would also at the same time teach me a lot about the market? Your help is really appreciated.
I’d suggest you start by accessing the members area of AuthenticFX, which will also put you on a mailing list for a weekly mail out of the major posts from the past. Alternatively, you could have a look at the 10 Best Forex Trading Strategies course:
You are wise to be trading on demo account at this stage in your trading, and the only advice I can give you apart from that is to be patient and at this stage, pick up whatever you can have value from trusted resources.
Thanks for the contact, and best with it 🙂
i need strategy with highest win rate, any suggestion ? i dont care risk reward ratio.
The strategy with the highest win rate that I have heard of is the London Close Strategy:
Unfortunately for me the London close occurs when I’m sleeping, so I only traded this strategy for a relatively short period. However, I was very impressed with its accuracy. At the time its authors were claiming around 90% win rate, although I think that “baskets” particular trades.
Is there any decent auto traders that one can use? I’ve been looking at FAPTurbo but not sure I really want a bot managing my money. I’ve have my own basic strategy. I funded an account with $100 and it’s up to $500 in 4 months.
Not that I am aware of. The whole deal with forex robots has gotten pretty quiet in the last few years, particularly after the GFC struck. These days it seems, it’s just very very difficult to get consistency with them in such a volatile market. That said, I haven’t been keeping up with forex robots very much so maybe you will find something, but I don’t know of any.
Jack Smith says.
Nice Post Really like it.
Could you apply this to any currency?
Absolutely, but make sure you test first with the less liquid pairs.
Daniel Shaw says.
Ótimo artigo. Trend trading é uma das estratégias de negociação mais lucrativas e de baixo risco. I always trade with trends because once you follow a trend, the most chances are it will make you profits.
Every trader must apply a trend trading strategy at least sometimes.
Does anyone know anything about www dot forexsignal dot com – they have forex signals and not sure how they strategy works.
I’ve been given a task to get a chance to be interviewed for a little currency trading group. I would love to hear any suggestions, please, please, please .
I’ve been given following tasks:
1. Perform an intraday technical analysis (use 1-hour chart) on ANY FX pair you like.
2. Clearly state your entry level for any long/short positions you recommend.
3. State your stop loss and take profit levels for the position advised above.
4. In no more than 5-6 lines briefly describe/comment on the strategy you have followed for above position recommended.
PS I’m beginner, and is this doable in a week time, please. Obrigado.
I don’t have the time, but someone else might like to take a crack at this.
Sorry can’t be more help, good luck…
I’ve been trading a while now and interested in trying out some of your strategies in demo, what would you suggest for NZ time trading Aus, Asian and London opening around the 1h and 4h timeframes.
Try the Bladerunners, mixed with the Fractal strategy, and look for breakouts after the open of Singapore. I trade a similar time myself, but rarely bother with anything before Singapore opens. There’s just not enough liquidity to give reliability before then, I find, although with experience you can spot the signs and pick up the occasional good exception to the rule.
Glad you have enjoyed the site 🙂
Hi , is this page still active ?
Active? Pode apostar. Saw it run a Triathlon on the weekend 😉
Seriously, did you want to ask something?
Dear administrator I tried to do marketing for my trading model but you erased my posting. Never mind, I guess I will need to create my own blogs and do organic SEO.
(An amateur trader that is making 200-250pips with just 50 day trades a year)
Sam, you are correct: if you wish to do your own marketing you will need to go through the process; there’s no shortcuts.
The purpose of comments is to enable feedback and/or questions relating to the post, not to provide a platform for unsolicited and unverifiable advertisements.
This might be a long shot, but do you have any strategies you may recommend that would qualify as scalping, say on the 1., 5 or 15 minute charts. I have a long term strategy that works reasonably well but having trouble with finding a scalping strategy.
I’m looking for something that can work anytime, due to the fact that I run my own business, am an employee and go to school, so when I sit down I don’t have usually more than 1-2 hours at most to monitor the trades.
I don’t have any specific strategies that I could recommend, apart from the London close trade, but that is restricted to the London close timeframe. I did do some extensive experimentation a couple of years ago with trading off the Paleo levels on the five-minute chart, sometimes using the one minute chart for entries and exits. What you need to do is restrict your trading to a time when there is plenty of liquidity, know what the fundamentals and sentimentals are for the pair/pairs you are trading, and only trade in the direction that they indicate. I used the polarity indicator to assist me with determining the technical trend. It’s a fairly intense mode of trading, but if you have 1 to 2 hours TOTALLY UN-INTERRUPTED in which you can concentrate fully on the market, it’s certainly something worth looking into.
O importante é, dado que você está esticado muito magro com todo seu trabalho, escola e outros compromissos, que você pode estar sozinho com o mercado naquele momento, estar em um estado de espírito relaxado e ter conhecimento de exatamente o que está dirigindo o mercado em torno dos pares que você está negociando naquele momento.
Hope this makes sense, and that it helps.
Best wishes with it,
What are the periods for EMA crossing and bolinger bands?
Greeting to all traders out there The past 5 months I got involved to Forex as a way out from my job I have for roughly ten years which is coming to a dead end for several reasons (having a bad boss is very bad on its own).
I live in Greece, so I can trade Europe and USA. The time frames I’m thinking to have are 5-15-30-1h, so day trade is my starting point. My goal is to earn an average 2000 euros / month from a starting capital of a 10000 -20000 euros, with a max risk per trade of.
5% of the capital. So I’m searching for a good strategy that can meet my goals. Alguma sugestão?
The past 5 months I got involved to Forex as a way out from my job I have for roughly ten years which is coming to a dead end for several reasons (having a bad boss is very bad on its own).
I live in Greece, so I can trade Europe and USA. The time frames I’m thinking to have are 5-15-30-1h, so day trade is my starting point. My goal is to earn an average 2000 euros / month from a starting capital of a 10000 -20000 euros, with a max risk per trade of.
5% of the capital. So I’m searching for a good strategy that can meet my goals. Alguma sugestão?
I’ve done some Forex trading few years back and dropped it since I had no cash to risk/invest.
I am thinking of starting with 4000-5000EU. I will be trading in +1.00 Time zone (central EU).
I wish to gain more insight on the things you’ve mentioned as per what would be the best place to learn the ‘pip’ you mention and I have seen it before but I am not 100% sure what that is, I’ve been sort of bouncing on demos lately and doing sort of lottery predictions where I believe it will be going down or up that day, I’ve been winning every day consecutively so far, however what would you suggest for a daily earnings and having a 1.000-1.500 eu to invest on daily basis and expecting a 750-1000 eu return.
I must say I am quite a newb in the subject and any information/websites/books will be highly appreciated that could help me understand the market better and adjust a certain tactice/strategy suiting my character and analysis pattern.
Hi Rob, the best advice I can give would be to just read through the site itself, beginning with the Start Here tab. Then I would strongly suggest you get on the general email list at least, by clicking on the “Stop Losing Right Now” image in the right-hand column. After that you can try any of the other things like the 10 Best Trading Strategies email list. Todas essas listas implicam uma série de e-mails que são totalmente gratuitos, e você deve dar uma base decente para começar.
You can Google the definition of PIP. It stands for percentage in point. As for your question regarding estimation of daily earnings, I honestly think that at this stage you don’t worry too much about that, but just concentrate on learning the basics. And definitely don’t use anything but a demo account at this stage.
Hey Erron, I’m loving the strategies you’ve put together. Can you tell me how much a pip would be worth if I made a 100 dollar trade with 50:1 leverage. Is it even worth trying to start with an 100 dollar account and grow it to a couple thousand?
Thanks for the replies!
If my maths serves me correctly each pupil would be worth $.50.
Sure, it’s well worth starting with the $100 account, but it’s a bit of a stretch to expect to grow it to a couple of thousand in a short time. But if you are finished with demo trading strategy – that is, you’re convinced it is worth trading – than you could start on a $100 account and get a feel for how it performs on a real account.
Hi, Can someone pls tell me which is the best forex trading platform, I ve been scammed a couple of times so I need to know which is the best and legit.
Zaheer Firdaus says.
I have started trading for some time, and it seems that the main problem i have is to detect retracement levels at support/resistance levels. I use fibo to estimate it but it seems when i find that reversal candle and set PO with SL, the price goes against me and hits SL. When i wait, the price then goes the trend direction and i miss out. Im not sure what i am doing wrong.
So i was reading through the Bladerunner, and it interests me as it uses price action as well. The thing that i might have missed out is that S/R level is usually at round numbers, and i never thought about 20 ema as another confluence.
My question is, with the bladerunner strategy and price action in general, How many times will a price test and retest a S/R level after a breakout before it continues on trend? And how do i gain confidence on the level of retracement that i can anticipate a price to reverse back to its original trend?
I’ll try to answer some of your questions:
> I use fibo to estimate it but it seems when i find that reversal candle and set PO with SL, the price goes against me and hits SL. When i wait, the price then goes the trend direction and i miss out. Im not sure what i am doing wrong.
– Being stopped out constantly only to see price head back in your original desired direction is usually a sign of having your stop set to close. Try widening your stops. I personally wouldn’t rely on Fibonacci for this, but rather just use swing points. Always give yourself plenty of room for price to initially retrace against you, eventually you will learn how to set tighter stops without being stopped out all the time.
>My question is, with the bladerunner strategy and price action in general, How many times will a price test and retest a S/R level after a breakout before it continues on trend?
– This is almost impossible to tell ahead of time. Even a strong support resistance level can be broken very easily if the current sentiment moves against it. I simply don’t know anyway to predict the number of retests, and I’ve never met a trader who did.
>how do i gain confidence on the level of retracement that i can anticipate a price to reverse back to its original trend?
– I’m not sure if you’re talking about entering on the retracement here? At any rate, I refer to my earlier point about being too close to the price action. Keep your risk level low, it’s better to hang on to your money and only make a small profit, than to be greedy and try to squeeze every dollar out of a move by getting your stop loss closest to the current price than it should be.
Espero que isto ajude,
Karabo Aphane says.
Am a beginer, any info or strategy that can help? Or mento please.
Just joinh the mailing lists from the prompts, sorry, I don’t do one on one mentorship currently.
I wanna get started trading but I don’t have a lot of money, I also have no idea which platform I should use.
Hello Erron I would first of all like to say great site second of all I have been trading for a while now but to date I havent been able to equate my looses to my profits is there any advise you can give to me regarding how I can improve my overall Forex skills and assess my risks better before going into a trade.
Grateful yet unlucky Chester.
You’ve done the right thing by joining the email lists associated with the site. The only other thing I would suggest at this stage is to become acquainted with the various articles around the site, and to be patient with yourself in trading. It takes some years to become consistently profitable.
Laszlo Rezmuves says.
I see, you’re helping anyone here. Maybe could you help me too?
I’ve been trading 8 months and i earn sometimes but i lose more.
Can you tell me a working strategy, i do 5 mins trading..
Honestly, i don’t want to make a big money, only ensure my livelihood.
Obrigado pela sua resposta.
All these strategies have been shown to work – for some people least, under the right conditions and according to their own trader psychological profile – but you will need to do some work on your own in testing out to find out which one works for you the best. They all work on the five-minute timeframe, some better than others, but again it will be necessary for you to do your own research.
Have you ever used a trading robot, were you can programme it to enter into trades by spotting certain indicators and pulling out of the same trades based on other indicators or pip movement?
Hi Paul, short answer is no, I’m not aware of any such beast and have not used any.
I read about them in a book, used by an FX investor in South Africa. He keeps the pragrammed “robot” from making trades during news outbrakes and has found it to be quite successful. I think Rob Booker might even use them now.
Anyways, I’m literally just starting out and I’ve been reading a lot of investment material. Im still struggling with all the termanology really but it’s coming on slowly. I figure this isn’t something you can learn in a small space of time otherwise everyone would be doing it.
My interests lie in Forex now but started with commodities trading. I’ve been trading a demo account on plus500. I’ve found that it’s useless for back testing, and they seem to set the buy value of a currency close to previous states of support and resistance. Is this generally the case with trading platforms or Is there any other trading platforms you can recommend?
I have no experience of the broker you mention. And every broker platform can be expected to be a little different, you just have to do your due diligence. I don’t recommend any particular platform these days, although I currently use IC Markets & Pepperstone, and I’m happy with both.
I’ve opened up a demo account on the IC Markets platform. It’s much better. Although it seems obvious to me that it’s it’s for the slightly more advanced trader, or more advanced than I am so to speak. But I’ll enjoy learning whilst doing.
Once you feel as though you have a system that suits. How long would suggest testing it on a demo account before go live?
A rough rule of thumb is around three months. You can check out the following post for some details that may be helpful:
let be professional here 99% of the system do not work at all cause no one have a crystal ball to where the price going to do .
i research for 5 years try so many system grrr anywhere i did male my own system or average me 100 p a day but some days do not trade cause the market look suicide..
after a very long search i did found a correlator or give me price action momentum that all i need then all my levels in place then ready to go on 5 minutes chart take one candle profit on lot size 1 then let run on 0.05 very easy.
good morning sire. i’m just about to go into forex now, and I need all the help I can get on reading charts and understanding styles. Pls help me.
Join the AuthenticFX mailing lists is the best advice I can give you. You will get invaluable information sent to you on a regular basis, completely free of charge. Just go to the website and click on any of the images around the edges to enter your details.
The bladerunner is basicly MA correct?
I am new in forex, sometime i confius myself.
Check out the actual posts on the Bladerunner (do a search for Bladerunner, if necessary) and you’ll see that it’s a bit more than trading off moving average. But yes, certainly the trend indicator used – usually the 20 EMA or more preferably the polarity indicator – is a major part of the strategy.
Introduction to the concepts of trading strategies and portfolio optimization.
A literature survey on different EC techniques used for trading strategies.
Highly valuable article on a very rich blog. Thanks for your efforts.
The strategies are really good.
Capital Street Fx says.
Thanks for Sharing Such a nice article. it’s really very helpful for me to become a successful trader.
Fico feliz que você tenha gostado!
Hey buddy, thanks for sharing this…but i cant understand why and how you can share all this info for free?
It’s a pleasure to help others. Also, I do have a couple of things for sale.
Saiful Yusoff says.
Awesome website you have here. I am a newbie with only 6 months experience in Forex. I have lost more than $2000 during that duration. What is the best indicators out there that I can purchase/try for a trader like me that using D1 timeframe and with small capital of $50?
Thanks, really glad you appreciate the website. Having said that, with only six months experience,, I can only advise you to stop trading with real money until you are consistently profitable. I notice you haven’t joined any other mailing lists available through the site. Can I suggest you check them out? They have a heap of useful advice for beginners like yourself.
The best indicator hands down as far as I’m concerned is the Paleo indicator. You can check it out by doing a search on the site, or having a look at it over on AuthenticFXShop. Next best would be perhaps the polarity indicator.
Need some help, running in losses and currently in Hedging position. Trying to get out of it but unable to. Can you help me out?
2) Get the Price Action Engine.
izzat ikhwan says.
hi, im new with forex and interested in it. so, can i get tips and stratergy to grow my knowledge and profit day by day. ty.
well, you have joined my major mailing lists so that would be the best place to start. Best luck with it, let me know if you have any specific questions.
Abdur Razzaq says.
Hello Erron, do you have a perfect scalping indicator which dont repaint.
Hey Erron I’ve been on a demo doing my best, I suppose. I’ve been buying /selling on pairs 30 minutes before it moves on my favour nd holding it for four days and I can say it seems working for me. Any advice on my strategy because I spent most of my time analysis the previous chart time frame.
Best advice is to sign up to the free emails 🙂
I’ve seen your post (The 10 Best Forex Strategies) in “xxxxxxxxxxx” and on your top 3 is the xxxxxxx Strategy of xxxxxxxxxxxx. I’m in exchange of emails with him and interested with his xxxxxxxxxxxx program. Just doing my due diligence before finalizing my decision, my questions is if he real, legit and really exit. Does your “#3: Bolly Band Bounce Trade” above some how same of his xxxxxxxx Strategy minus his software. Appreciate your comment and advise.
I have replied separately to you via email. I have edited the pertinent details from your post, as I don’t want to give thieves like this any publicity at all. From what I can see the person you are talking about has just copied my copyrighted posts from AuthenticFX and put them up as his own website, with no acknowledgement even. If he is that dishonest, ask yourself if he be trusted with your money. I know that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, but outright theft is taking it too far. This is happening more and more often. Frauds and scamsters scour the Internet for good content, and publish it as their own. Hope this helps with your due diligence 🙂
Andrew Tivers says.
Uau. I am a newbie to forex and binary trading, so new in fact that I have not yet ran one live trade. Been running a demo account for like a week only,
I stumbled across your page here with a Google search and see that I have a LOT to learn.
Thanx for the time and effort put into this. I hope I can implement at least some of these in the near future.
Well wishes to you and yours for 2018.
hi Andrew, good to have you with this. Yes, there is a lot to learn, so go slow and easy. All the best to yourself and yours for 2018 as well.
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